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Persischkurse mit Zabihullah in München

April 9, 2018
Views: 3009
Ad ID: 8967
Jetzt Sprache auswählen!:
  • Englisch
  • Persisch
Contact Information
Geschlecht: Männlich
Nationalität: Afghanisch
Mein persönliches Profil – Über mich:

Zabihullah Privatlehrer für Persisch in München

Persischkurse in München - Privatunterricht bei Ihnen zu Hause:
I have worked as an english lecturer in my home Country for 2 years , besides studied Business Administration for Bachelors degree and ability of speaking with three other languages consisting : Dari, Persisch , Pashto and Urdu .
You can have the possiblity of being lectured for one week free of Charge to be convinced .
As well as important to say that I have been in Germany as a refugee since October and my german Level is A2 .


Sprachlehrer-Aktiv hat 5,00 von 5 Sternen 28 Bewertungen auf